259 Salmon Brook Street – SHV 1, Granby, CT 06035

Board Members:

Granby Homes for Senior Citizens Board – Elected October 2024

Dave Roberts, President, brings experience in government, nonprofit leadership, fundraising, and board governance. He serves on the Granby Conservation Commission (Past Chair), Granby Justice of the Peace, Salmon Brook Historical Society (Treasurer), Granby Grange (Secretary), and Past Connecticut Lions Chair. He is an appointed United Nations Council of Organizations representative.

Kim Becker, Vice President, has an extensive background in local nonprofit leadership, fundraising, and governance. She serves on the Granby Commission on Aging, Connecticut Long Term Care Advisory Council, Granby Education Foundation, Justice of Peace, and Granby Ambulance Association.

Helen Frye, Treasurer, is a retired human resource executive who has served on many boards, including the Greater Hartford Arts Council and the Literacy Volunteers.  She is on the Steering Committee of Granby Racial Reconciliation. Helen is also involved as a Friend of Hands On Hartford.

Valerie Raggio, Secretary, is a licensed clinical social worker with over 30 years of experience advocating for individuals and families and supervising Masters of Social Work interns. She also served on the Institute of Living patient family advisory board and teaches yoga.

Nancy Costopulos has over 30 years of experience in non-profit organizations in diverse roles, such as fundraising, marketing and, most recently, CEO. She is on several Boards in the area, including the Friends of Holcomb Farm.

Lorri DiBattisto owns and operates DiBattisto Associates, an engineering firm in East Granby. She volunteered with CHR to support their programs for people in need. She currently serves as president of the Granby Ambulance Association.

Jen Affe Jones is the Office Manager at Farmington Valley Plumbing, a family-run business. She holds several leadership positions, including President of the Bradley Regional Chamber of Commerce and Auxiliary Member of the Granby Ambulance Association.

Raine Pedersen has an extensive background in local nonprofit leadership and fundraising. She serves on the Barkhamsted Forks Senior Club, the Lions Club of Hartland (Lions Diabetes Chair for District 23B), Riverton Grange –Office of Lecturer and Veteran’s Program, and volunteers with Waste Not Want Not Community Dinners. She is caretaker for her elderly aunts aged 89 and 93.

Andrew St. Onge is an AVP with Northwest Community Bank with extensive knowledge of the banking and financial world. He also serves on the leadership team of the Simsbury-Granby Rotary Club.

Sandy Flagg, Ex Officio (Resident Association) has lived in the Stony Hill Village community for 13 years and tirelessly advocates for its residents. She is the Executive Director of Waste Not Want Not Community Kitchen and formerly owned The Trumpet Vine shop for over 20 years.

Patty Sansone, Ex Officio (Friends of GHSC) advocates for seniors through her work on the Commission on Aging (past chairman) and volunteer for the Granby Senior Center, Friends of Holcomb Farm Fresh Access program, and Waste Not Want Not Community Kitchen. She was Registrar of Voters and Moderator of Elections.